Why gaming is a good career | Gaming | twofour54

Why gaming is a good career that’s filled with opportunities

Once upon a time, many considered gaming to be no more than a hobby and the idea of my making a career out of it was pretty fanciful. But now, the gaming industry is thriving across the globe, and Abu Dhabi just so happens to boast one of the world’s most exciting and groundbreaking gaming hubs for developers, programmers and gamers.

So, if you’re at your happiest when battling through an alternative reality, we’re delighted to tell you that there has never been a better time to choose gaming as a career.

Or, a better place to do it than Yas Creative Hub in Abu Dhabi.


How do I start a career in gaming?

Did you know that you can study gaming as a higher-education degree?

As part of Abu Dhabi Gaming, the new collaborative initiative, we’re helping to drive our region’s gaming and esports ecosystem by offering various training and development programmes.

Through partnering with gaming giant Unity Technologies and some of the UAE’s most well-respected educational institutions such as:

  • Abu Dhabi University
  • NYU Abu Dhabi
  • Higher Colleges of Technology
  • University of Sharjah

AD Gaming is providing courses in areas as diverse as AI, virtual reality, game development and coding skills.

Participants will also be able to get a further leg up onto the career ladder by undergoing industry work experience at the offices of some of the Hub’s many gaming and esports partners, all of which will be based in the new state-of-the-art media facility on Yas Island, Yas Creative Hub.

These nurturing, inspiring programmes are a great place to start your gaming career.

As well as learning all the skills you need to succeed, you’ll also make many connections within the industry and maybe even meet your future business partner amongst your classmates.

How to make a career in gaming?

If you want to forge a profitable and fulfilling career in gaming, then we highly recommend getting yourself set up at the Middle East and Africa’s first-ever regional Centre of Excellence at Yas Creative Hub. Also powered by our friends at Unity, it will have everything you need to help you pursue gaming as a career.

The Gaming ‘Centre of Excellence’ spread over 300 sqm of space is designed to showcase the latest technologies, creators and innovators in the gaming industry. Providing a meeting place for talented, passionate and original professionals from across the region, every little detail has been perfectly tailored to foster creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

Working here will also give you direct access to cutting-edge facilities and tools, plus a vast collection of partners, including publishers, developers and artists, and over 1000 multilingual freelancers.

Being able to physically work alongside the big names in the MENA region’s gaming industry will help keep you inspired and enthusiastic, and make you feel excited to go to work every day.

Not only that, but setting up a career in gaming with twofour54 also gives you access to flexible set up options. We offer over 57 bespoke gaming and eSports licenses for both companies and freelancers, and our dedicated customer service team are always on standby to offer any support or guidance you need.

What are the best game developer companies to work for?

As mentioned above, Yas Creative Hub is home to some of the most legendary and iconic gaming developers from across the globe. The Gaming ‘Centre of Excellence’ has already revealed that 15 gaming and esports businesses will be joining Yas Creative Hub when it opens later this year.

This includes eSports masters Flash Entertainment, UAE Pro League and the Emirates Esports Association and world-renowned and highly respected companies such as Boss Bunny, Kashkool Games, Khousouf Games and RobocomVR.

All of these businesses are interesting and enlightening companies to work for, and they’ll look great on your CV when you finally come to move onto the next phase of your career.

We highly recommend that you check out their social channels, find out more about each one of them and send out some enquiries about when they are next planning to hire.

For more information about making a career out of gaming at Yas Creative Hub, take a look here.